Asphalt of Sardar Hamadani Bridge is becoming more resistant by AkaBit AD modified bitumen
The CEO of Hamadan Municipality’s Civil and Regeneration Organization announced the greater strength of Sardar Hamadani bridge asphalt with the use of AkaBit AD against cold and humidity.
According to the public relations report of this organization, Ehsan Sabbaghi said: The use of AkaBit AD in the process of asphalt production increases the adhesion of bitumen to aggregates in order to mix it quickly with bitumen.
While stating the above, he said: In the asphalt factory, by using AkaBit AD , while increasing the adhesion of bitumen, we achieved high resistance of asphalt against sanding, and this product prevents thermal and shrinkage cracking of asphalt.
The CEO of Hamadan Municipality’s Civil and Urban Space Regeneration Organization said: The asphalt of Sardar Hamadani bridge will definitely become more resistant and stronger due to the high traffic and weather conditions of the city by using this process. Because this modified bitumen is resistant to reducing the required temperature by 30 degrees Celsius.
Sabbaghi said about the tests of AkaBit AD in soil mechanics and technical laboratories: this solution has passed its test in order to test the moisture durability and performance of normal and modified asphalt mixtures.He said about the conducted tests: In testing the effect of water on asphalt mixtures using the boiling water method, determining the ratio of strength and compressive strength, the ratio of indirect tensile strength, and in the performance section of the asphalt mixture, favorable and positive results have been obtained in the compaction test.The CEO of the Civil and Reconstruction Organization said about the implementation of the asphalt of Sardar Hamadani Bridge: Considering the decision of the city management to quickly reopen the first phase of Sardar Hamadani Intersection, the Civil Engineering Organization, in line with its activities, is seriously working with the executive groups to spread and level the asphalt of the Sardar Overpass There is consensus.