Abali road asphalt project implementation by using AkaBit AD modified bitumen
This road is located in the northeast of Tehran, where there is a lot of traffic of construction waste trucks, and for this reason, it suffers from heavy traffic. Due to the location of this project on the road with heavy traffic and the use of silicious materials in this project, which contained high amounts of silica, the asphalt of this project was susceptible to stripping. For this reason, with the special attention of the Civil Engineering Organization of Tehran Municipal Regions and the project consultant, attention was paid to ensuring the moisture durability of asphalt, and the relevant contractor, Paksarshan Company, was notified of the need to use the AkaBit AD modified bitumen to ensure the moisture durability of asphalt.This project was carried out in 2014.
Because asphalt pavements are exposed to environmental factors, especially humidity and traffic loading, they undergo depreciation over time and failure is inevitable. Stripping, which is one of the types of asphalt road failures, can be a precursor to other premature failures such as cracking, rutting of the wheel tracks, creating holes and cracks. In many cases, external factors or internal characteristics of asphalt pavements, such as the high percentage of silica in the components, cause premature stripping, so knowing these factors and solving these problems for the durability of the asphalt coating is a disadvantage that the use of AkaBit AD modified bitumen is necessary.
Abali Road
Abali road asphalt project implementation by using AkaBit AD modified bitumen This road is located in the northeast of Tehran, where there is a lot of traffic of construction waste trucks, and for this reason, it suffers from heavy traffic. Due to the location of this project on the road with heavy traffic and […]